Watch your walkways
Westmark is reminding companies that walkways on dangerous surroundings such as at height, in dangerous locations where hazardous equipment is located, on the top of ladders, on locations where moving vehicles can be a threat to pedestrians, or where permanent machinery is installed with moving components, should be well designed to keep employees and contractors safe.
Accidents can be be prevented with well-designed and good prepared walkways, temporary work places, or well-designed traffic segregation schemes.
Confronted with tasks such as carrying loads of tools or boxes in hand, employees should have the confidence that you and your co-workers have housekeeping elements in place. This includes well described company policies and procedures, which should be implemented through company campaigns and brought into the company culture by training for all employees.
By keeping walkways safe and clean, employees’ experience free walkways with no clutter. Well-marked and obstructed repair sites will have better visibility during construction, maintenance or turnaround activities.