The Rack Group has acquired Pro-Store

The Rack Group Ltd has officially announced the acquisition of Pro-Store, an industry leading inspection & maintenance and Dexion distributor based in West Yorkshire.

Phil Maxwell-Smith, managing director of The Rack Group said: “Pro-Store fits very well within The Rack Group’s focus on major customers requiring a full 360 racking repair and inspection service. Pro-Store will now be able to offer its extensive customer base access to The Rack Group’s comprehensive range of products and services each aimed at reducing spiralling racking repair costs.”

Pro-Store will retain its name, the team will not be changing, they are still an official Dexion distributor and the usual high standard of service will never change, says the firm. The acquisition has seen the Pro-Store team relocate to Barnsley, South Yorkshire to work closely with Rack Group colleagues.

For more information about The Rack Group's products and services please visit

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