Boost return-to-base rate of box pallets

Clear pallet box ownership can lessen loss – customers can now have speedy foil stamping of Dolav plastic box pallets and lids from stock in Watton.

For the Ace, they have a choice of nine standard stock colours. Almost any special colour is available to order.

Foil stamping shows indelible proof of ownership. This helps ensure return-to-base and reduce the cost of loss. It helps provide clear owner identification and tally of numbers of boxes delivered and returned. Hot foil stamping stays visible for the life of the box which can be well over 30 years. It can show logos, lettering, company name or initials, website, phone numbers, warnings or instructions on boxes and lids. Standard Dolav hot die stamping foil colours can be in black or white to be a clear contrast with box colour. There is no minimum order. Customers can call off additional supplies as needed and have them stamped before dispatch.

The nine standard stock colours for the Ace are; red, yellow, green, blue, light & dark grey, dark brown, black and pink. Lids come in six of the same colours and also in white but without dark grey, dark brown or pink. With the choice of the two standard foil stamping colours, customers can have a choice of coloured plastic pallet boxes from stock immediately and with bespoke foil stamping to suit.

Special box and foil colours

Many customers have boxes and lids made in their company colour as a special order which also gives a wider choice of foil stamp colour. This can further enhance branding and company identity and further helps minimise loss. Minimum order quantities apply.

Dolav products will be on display at RWM, 12-14 September 2017, at the NEC, in Hall 5, Stand N92.

See video: ‘Dolav Hot Die Stamping Pallet Boxes’

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