Next stage eComm as WMS integration achieved

MACS Software, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of WMS, has completed its integration with the latest version of the Linnworks web-based API order management platform.

Linnworks is widely used by suppliers to receive orders from a variety of shopping platforms such as eBay and Amazon. Linnworks’ new system provides a much faster, more flexible service to its customers, allowing block updates processed at high speed.

According to Esther Dutton of MACS Software, there is a ‘tipping point’ beyond which any manual inventory management system will struggle to cope with the volume of orders Linnworks is able to supply.

“Any company receiving more than around 400 orders a day really needs an inventory and warehouse management system to manage its orders,” she explained. “Once the orders are received, MACSwms makes sure they are processed, picked and dispatched accurately and profitably.”

MACS became a partner with Linn Systems in 2013, providing integration through CSV file import (then from a desktop application). The company continued to evolve with Linnworks and now offers its customers integration through the new web-based API platform. “This gives our customers a better user experience with a flexible approach and real-time integration with phenomenally fast speeds,” said Esther.

MACSwms seamlessly integrates with Linnworks to provide a robust e-commerce and logistics platform. MACSwms offers a variety of tools for effective order picking (including barcode, RF and voice communication), with optimisation of space and staff utilisation to help companies maximise profits.

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