Revenue protection solution

Avery Weigh-Tronix has launched a new Revenue Protection solution which can quickly and accurately capture the weight and dimension of parcels and heavy / large freight. 

The Avery Weigh-Tronix forklift scale provides significant time and cost saving versus manual alternatives.

Combined with a legal for trade mobile digital dimensioning solution, it can quickly and accurately capture the weight and dimension of parcels and heavy / large freight. This solution helps to protect against the revenue loss that can be caused by under declaration of consignment weights, while removing the extra processing time and floor space often associated with additional revenue protection checks.

Stewart Campbell, logistics manager at Avery Weigh-Tronix, says: “Research suggests that a massive 54% of consignments go un-checked. Our solution allows the user to protect 100% of shipping revenue while making efficiency savings. A recent system installation with the UK arm of a major international logistics company showed a saving of 50% efficiency versus the incumbent revenue protection system.”


An inbuilt barcode scanner can be used to capture the consignment ID, customer details and routing data, which is transmitted wirelessly into the weight indicator that sits on the forklift truck. This customer and dimensional data is then processed along with weight data to calculate the volumetric weight of the consignment. This process can take place while the item is still sitting on the forklift forks, reducing the number of touch-points and streamlining processes further.

The system is designed to capture and data and cross check it against customer-declared data, providing the verified data trail required to identify and apply surcharges, while also reducing the likelihood of customer disputes and credit-backs. 

By removing these processing steps, collecting dimensional data digitally and weighing on the move, the new solution allows users to improve efficiency by up to 68% on standard manual methods.

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Western Business Media,
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