IT investment to boost customer service

Energy management specialistĀ Hoppecke Industrial Batteries has embarked on a series of IT-enabled business process upgrades to improve standards of service and maximise efficiencies, following customer and employee feedback.

As part of a new integrated IT strategy, supported and jointly initiated by the parent company in Germany, Hoppecke is updating its dedicated engineering tool. This will be followed by the roll out of a sales app in July and the introduction of a new CRM (customer relationship management) system, which is scheduled for the end of the year.

Using SITs, a custom-built, computer-based service solutions system that integrates into Hoppecke's ERP process management software, engineers use iPads to conduct live planning and maintenance scheduling. Once a job has been completed reports are finalised immediately, while the engineer is still on site, and emailed directly to a named contact, capturing an electronic signature to confirm sign off.

Using this software Hoppecke can proactively plan its engineers' workloads, while added advantages to the business include improved cost allocation and stock control. The latest upgrade, currently in progress, is expected to boost health and safety compliance, since Hoppecke's engineers will be able to conduct risk assessments and, where appropriate, link method statements and images to individual jobs.

The sales app enables Hoppecke's field sales force working across the motive power, special and reserve power sectors to access a wide variety of resources, including a library of key documents, videos, brochures and presentations. These can be shared with customers to reinforce the benefits of Hoppecke's battery technology and address specific queries.

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