Lead Crystal offers rapid charge option
Lead crystal batteries promise ‘lithium performance, at a fraction of the cost’, says ECOBAT.
Specialist knowledge allows the ECOBAT Battery Technologies (EBT) Industrial team to ensure the most appropriate solution is found for the particular needs of its valued customers. This insight is vital when considering what is now one of the industry’s ‘in vogue’ products – lithium batteries.
“There is no question that lithium batteries are an impressive piece of technology,” explains EBT Industrial’s strategic director, Derek Anderson, “but there remain some serious question marks, particularly concerning their cost and environmental credentials and whether they really are always the most appropriate replacement solution. However, in some applications, traditional Gel monoblocs no longer achieve the latest performance requirements. So, is there an alternative?
“Bridging the gap, there is now a realistic, lead-based alternative, a solution that delivers the power and deep cycle capability of lithium, with similar ‘real-world’ recharging periods, but at a significantly reduced cost. The answer is the ECOBAT Lead Crystal range, a high performing and resilient addition to our product offering that is able to be discharged deeper, cycled more often and recover to full rated capacity over and over again, therefore delivering a prolonged service life and providing a genuine alternative to lithium.”
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