Gripple protection backs up RackNets safety system

Following an extensive test and evaluation period, Warrington-based Warehouse Partners has secured the exclusive worldwide patent licence to use the Gripple cabling systems for its proprietary RackNetsĀ back-of-rack safety system.

The Gripple cabling system ensures safety-critical back-of-rack protection can be installed rapidly and to the highest levels of performance. Its design means its performance does not rely entirely on human intervention and is thus always consistent in the event of an accident.

“The cable assembly is pre-manufactured and pre-determined, and in the event of an incident we know that the capacities will be consistent, strong and accurate," says Warehouse Partners director Tony Gresty. “As the system’s performance is not as reliant on the installer as other netting systems, it is harder to damage in normal use, and quicker to install.”

A further advantage over other back-of-rack protection systems such as welded steel mesh is that it retains its integrity throughout its working life and does not need maintaining beyond the regular racking inspections required according to standard SEMA guidelines.

Its design ensures it is considerably harder to damage in normal use than other systems, as its nominal elasticity means it will 'give' if pushed with a hydraulically-powered forklift, whereas mesh will bend and eventually break. This is particularly prevalent at ground- or first-beam level, where over-positioning of pallets is commonplace. Warehouse Partners’ back-of-rack netting will absorb energy and then return to its original shape when the energy is removed, retaining its strength.

Warehouse Partners’ back-of-rack system comprises three components – bracketry, netting and Gripple cabling – and is designed, manufactured and supplied exclusively from its Warrington facility.

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