New safety skills will be needed for Industry 4.0

Safestart International will host a ‘Safety & Industry 4.0’ webinar on Tuesday 18 September at 10am to explore the role of human factors as we enter the 4th Industrial Age.

This webinar will discuss the safety challenges that organisations and workers alike will face and address how they can prepare for the technologically enhanced landscape that is the future workplace. Register here:

Industry 4.0 is not just a corporate buzz phrase, it is already shaping the future of work for all of us, wherever we work.Part of its widespread appeal to business is that automation will eventually cost less than human labour and robots are potentially more reliable than people. Companies of all sizes are beginning to embrace 4.0 in one form or other, but the future implications and potential unintended consequences are still uncertain. As technology continues to revolutionise industry as we know it, a utopian future is predicted where human error, and with it, workplace injury is eliminated. But is this realistic? 

Clearly, the potential benefits to safety of technology are significant as traditional jobs are replaced by machines and fewer workers will potentially mean fewer injuries. Despite some predictions to the contrary, the factory of the future will never be entirely workerless and while much of existing industrial risk will be reduced due to automation, new methods will bring new hazards and the remaining workforce may still be at a significantly high level of risk. What skills will they need to navigate this changing landscape? What can companies do now to ensure that their workforce is prepared and can deal with whatever the future holds?

SafeStart, the global advanced safety awareness and skills development programme, will be exploring these topics in detail during the webinar on the 18 September. Hosted by SafeStart development director, David Hughes and lead consultant for Europe, Sarah Stoker. This webinar, supported by Safety Management magazine, will help bring the focus back to where it always needs to be, on the workforce who have to navigate the less than perfect world around them.

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