Dürkopp sortation kit plays key role for Sainsbury’s
eCommerce automation and sortation from Dürkopp Fördertechnik helped Sainsbury’s win the category for new facilities over 150,000 sq ft at the 2018 Logistics Awards.
Durkopp’s Rolladapter and Pocket Sorter systems were installed in Sainsbury’s main UK distribution centre at Bedford where the firm put in some 400,000 sq ft of multilevel storage. Now complete, the new system is capable of sending up to 3.3 million garments per week to both online customers and stores in perfect order sequence. Goods on hangers are processed on the Rolladapter, while the Pocket Sorter handles flat goods.
Sainsbury’s identified a build sequence that allowed for the installation of 400,000 sq ft of multileveled storage, a major mezzanine floor installation and the installation of three new sorters, pack benches, induction stations and associated equipment whilst working around the existing operation.
Annette Sommer, UK general manager for Dürkopp Fördertechnik, said: “I am delighted we were involved with this ground-breaking project, and winning a leading industry award is an added bonus.”
The integration of Dürkopp Fördertechnik into the Knapp Group has also enabled the business to offer a complete integrated package of automation with the Knapp OSR and other cutting edge Knapp products.