Savings for the long run

Posted on Monday 24 July 2023

ONE OF the biggest barriers to upgrading to better waste and recycling systems is the perceived cost.

However, it’s a common misconception that investing in effective waste management solutions is a costly endeavour that doesn’t pay commercial dividends. In fact, investing in the right recycling systems for each area of your facility can actually save you money in the long run. 

By considering the commercial and environmental implications of poor waste management before the even busier periods hit, you could see timely significant waste and cost savings. 

Like one of Europe’s leading parcel groups, DPD, by installing modular recycling systems across various sites, you could see impressive results. DPD were able to recoup their investment within a year, as well as increase their recycling efficiency rate to over 90% at sites where stations were installed. What’s more, the firm have added substantially to their sustainability credentials, and now divert over 500 tonnes of waste every year to the circular economy rather than it going to general waste disposal, saving the organisation 27% in costs.  

Find more insights and tips from Rubbermaid Commercial Products, that might help your facility save here.

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