‘Made-to-order’ delivery demands drive innovative solution

Automated shuttle warehouse to be a key part of an integrated logistics solution for components firm.

MISUMI, a global manufacturer of mechanical components, has commissioned SSI Schaefer to implement a new logistics centre in Frankfurt/Main. From now until the beginning of 2020, the distribution centre with a capacity for 450,000 items on more than 10,000 sq m of storage area will be built in several stages. Core elements of the system are an automated shuttle warehouse, a four-storied rack system, ergonomic work stations connected via a conveying system as well as the logistics software WAMAS.

MISUMI’s business model is based on highest quality, low costs and short delivery times. In the logistics centre in Frankfurt stock items, standard components from its own production and third-party suppliers and make-to-order (MTO) parts are handled. MTO parts are currently produced in particular in Japan, China and Vietnam. For the turnover of MTO parts, MISUMI uses the cross-docking principle: After arrival, items are directly consolidated with the existing stock and sent to the customer the same day – without being stored. The short delivery time resulting from this approach is important because innovation cycles in mechanical engineering constantly decrease and therefore less time remains for product development. In order to be able to process the increasing number of orders in even shorter times in the future, MISUMI counts on a state-of-the-art automation solution from SSI Schaefer.

Tailor-made logistics solution

For storing the items, a four-storied platform rack system for 250,000 items and a 10-aisle shuttle warehouse with a capacity for 200,000 items are being built. In the latter, Cuby single-level shuttles within a double-deep storage concept will take care of the high-efficiency storage and retrieval process in the future. Four goods-in work stations, four work stations integrated into the platform rack system and four multi-functional work stations will support the distribution and sortation process of incoming items and the make-to-order business. Picking will be performed at five ergonomic Pick to Tote work stations and a pick wall with a clearing station. Before leaving the logistics centre, orders will pass one of the ten packing stations. All work stations are connected to the system with a high-performance conveying system. For the coordinated process control of the material flows, the logistics software WAMAS by SSI Schaefer is used.

“Quality, competitive prices and high speed are our recipe for maximum customer satisfaction. With efficient logistics structures, we will reinforce these principles in the future. The entire investment volume emphasises the high potential that we see at the location in Germany and in Europe,” comments Jörg Gonnermann, general manager logistics service platform of MISUMI.

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Logistics Matters