SSI Schaefer sponsors Logistics Solutions Theatre at IMHX

SSI Schaefer is delighted to announce it will be sponsoring the Logistics Solutions Theatre at this year’s IMHX exhibition.

The Theatre located on stand 19G50 offers SSI Schaefer the ideal opportunity to provide daily technology and innovation presentations to delegates across each of the four days of the show, highlighting a range of logistics solutions available across all industry sectors.

In addition, SSI Schaefer will have an engagement show stand located at 19G20 providing a welcoming and informative area for visitors to come and meet the SSI Schaefer team as part of their ethos of ‘Let’s Talk’.

Derek Wright, sales director commented: “Sponsoring the Logistics Solutions Theatre offers us the ideal platform to showcase our innovative solutions to a large number of visitors to the show, who are then welcome to discuss with us in more detail on our adjacent show stand.”

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Western Business Media,
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East Grinstead, RH19 3DE

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Logistics Matters