Stable and secure trucks
With the new KBD and KBG series, Baoli offers trucks equipped with powerful lifting capacities that support safe performance.
Safety in material handling should not be neglected. According to an American research conducted by the Occupation Safety and Health Association (OSHA) around 100,000 accidents involving forklift trucks occur every year in the USA, 35,000 of which are very serious. As much as 70% of these could be avoided by paying more attention to the loading of materials.
It is precisely to meet the principles of stability and security that Baoli, a manufacturer of lift trucks and warehouse equipment that operates in more than 80 countries around the world, proposes lifting capacities in line with the best players in the market with its new KBD and KBG series of forklifts. For example, with the KBD30 Diesel truck it is possible to lift 3000kg up to 5.5 metres in full safety.