Prepare for an uncertain Brexit?
To say that Brexit has created some uncertainty in the transport and logistics industry might be understating the issue.
Transport companies have been asking for nearly 3 years what can be done to prepare for Brexit. So far, the most detailed answer has been a metaphorical shrug of the shoulders [i], no one knows what is to come, so how can you fully prepare?
Here is one thing you can do immediately to make any upcoming changes, challenges and requirements much easier – update your systems and processes and go paperless.
By ensuring you have up to date systems with everything online and accessible to both employees and customers, it will make communication, invoicing and workflow management significantly easier.
By putting flexible digital solutions in place early, you will be better placed to ensure your drivers are using the correct and up to date customs, delivery & collection documents. In cases where paper forms are still utilised, drivers and warehouse staff will be able to scan or photograph documentation and submit it for immediate approval and compliance confirmation from the office team.
TrackTrans offer a full TMS, Job Management & EPOD system to allow your business to remove all paperwork and uncertainty. You can keep up to date with deliveries to ensure all the necessary compliance has been completed before your driver has left site.
Brexit might lead to one deal with the EU, WTO terms or a large number of individual trade & customs agreements. In this time of uncertainty, make sure you are doing everything within your control to be better prepared than your competitors.