Lithium powered pallet truck released

The fully powered pallet truck is said to focus on high performance and efficiency, with features such as smart and robust design and focus on safety and ergonomics of the user.

“To meet the many customer inquiries and demands for a lithium powered pallet truck, we are now happy to launch our Logitrans Mover. With the capacity of 1500kg, it is perfectly suited for light and medium duty material handling,” says Gitte Kirkegaard, CEO at Logitrans.

The battery weight is 4.5kg and has small dimensions, enabling an extremely compact truck. Within two seconds the battery can be exchanged, and the charging takes 2.5 hours with a long operational time between charges. The lithium batteries have a high number of battery cycles. The handle can be used in the upright position, optimising the space utilisation.

Focus is put on ergonomic working conditions of the user. The ergonomically correct handle has soft grips, returning smoothly to the vertical position. The handle has integrated PIN code panel with LCD display for status indication.

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