At the end of November 2019, BÖWE SYSTEC was awarded with the certificate “Quality – Made in Augsburg” by the city of Augsburg.
This is presented to recipients who have contributed to the economic future of Augsburg through their creativity and innovation. Head of Human Resources at BÖWE SYSTEC, Stefan Kooss, accepted the award at a ceremony in the Prince’s Chamber at the City Hall from the Lord Mayor Dr Kurt Gribl and the Mayor Eva Weber.
For the sixth time the city of Augsburg is awarding “Quality – Made in Augsburg”. The recipients reflect the entire spectrum of Augsburg’s industry. Entirely deliberately, the awards have gone to companies involved in specialist industries that are perhaps only known to relatively small target groups. “It’s not important whether the company is a start-up or has a long tradition; for us, when deciding who to present awards to, it is quality that is the key”, explains Dr Kurt Gribl, the Lord Mayor.
Eleven other Augsburg companies were honored along with BÖWE SYSTEC as a mark of the city’s esteem for their contribution to the economy and the outstanding quality of their products and services. “The aim is to secure Augsburg’s future position as a place to produce things”, stresses Mayor Eva Weber.
Serving the world from Augsburg
Today, BÖWE SYSTEC is a global automation specialist that is involved in numerous industries. It employs some 1,000 people in three European development and production facilities and over twenty subsidiaries all around the world. However, the center of all this global activity lies in southern Germany, in Augsburg, where BÖWE SYSTEC has its Headquarters. It was here that Max Böhler and Ferdinand Weber founded the company in 1945. Much has changed over the decades: Through its pioneering spirit and feel for the market, BÖWE SYSTEC became a global player and full-service provider for smart automation solutions.
Global (wo)manpower
It is its highly qualified staff that have been the driving force behind BÖWE SYSTEC’s growth. Some 300 work in its Augsburg Headquarters and each day they and their colleagues all over the world dedicate their commitment and enthusiasm to ensuring the success of their customers. It is them who are responsible for BÖWE SYSTEC’s high-quality consulting and service and who make sure the company stays closely in touch with markets and customers. As Stefan Kooss, the Head of Human Resources, explains: “It is this that is being honored as ‘Quality – Made in Augsburg’. It is the service provided by the team as a whole, in Augsburg and around the world.”
The “Quality – Made in Augsburg” awards
The “Quality – Made in Augsburg” awards have been presented since 2014. When choosing which companies to present them to, a number of criteria are assessed. These include the attractiveness of a company’s products or services, its innovative power, its profile beyond the region or its uniqueness or that of its products.