New mobile robot brand launches in UK

Chinese tech firm Hikrobot has launched its range of mobile robots for intralogistics applications to the UK and Europe through Cranfield–based systems integrator, Invar Systems.

The robots can be supplied as part of a complete solution to provide automated transport and goods-to-person order picking operations.

Hikrobot systems are said to deliver significant benefits: 

  • Increased accuracy and expedited order fulfilment.
  • Reduced cost-per-pick and a fast ROI.
  • Flexibility and scaleability that allows users to start from a small base and add units as required.
  • High density storage that maximises floor space.
  • No need for bolted down racking with conveyors and stacker cranes.
  • Mo major infrastructure changes required.

How do the robots work?

A typical warehouse Hikrobot system features an AGV robot, a Robot Control System (RCS), and WMS. The customisable solution supports integration with ERP systems. Typically, a warehouse is divided into a personnel-free area for the storage of SKUs and a workstation, from where staff can operate the terminal to achieve accurate inbound/outbound delivery of SKUs. 

Controlled via wireless communications, the smooth-running battery-powered robots use inertial and visual navigation to achieve accurate positioning for loads. QR labels are used for the routing, which minimises installation, set up and operation costs of the system. The adaptability of the robots mean they can adjust to the existing warehouse environment regardless of shape or obstructions, which can be easily mapped into the system. 

The robots have the capacity to carry load units – which could be pick walls, rolls cages or other containers – of up to 1000kg.

The goods-to-person model provided by Hikrobot through Invar increases efficiency by eliminating unnecessary walking and searching for items. The interactive picking station uses on-screen instructions and pick-to-light technology to guide pickers to attain pick rates in excess of 600 picks per hour with 100% accuracy. The battery charging stations can be strategically managed to ensure robots are charged when needed.

Frazer Watson for Hikrobots at Invar Systems says: “Fast fulfilment demands agile and efficient picking processes. This intelligent mobile-robot solution from Hikrobot offers all the speed and flexibility that ecommerce businesses, and other sectors, have been looking for when faced with the dual challenges of responding to growing order volumes, with dwindling labour resources. This technology has the intelligence and inherent simplicity to revolutionise the warehouse.”

Invar Systems provides a turnkey solution, from the installation of the robots, charging stations and QR codes to the workstations, pick-to-light and RFID technology – including full service support, with all the necessary spare parts and robots stocked by Invar Systems in the UK. 

Hikrobot technology has been successfully piloted in the UK at an international fashion brand and is currently being expanded in a phased programme. 

Hikrobot will be exhibiting on Stand 330 at IntraLogisteX, which is being held on 28th – 29th July 2020 at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.

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