Trucks suit paper and pulp industry

Yale Europe Materials Handling has the understanding and solutions required to meet the needs of the ever-evolving paper industry.

The manufacturer has developed a number of truck adaptations to overcome the challenges posed by the paper industry, and specifically the recycled and recovered paper sector.

For example, the Yale Veracitor VX range and GDP50VX Counterbalance ‘Cool Truck’ features a hydraulic fan with a self-cleaning reversing function that flushes out pulp and recycling debris.

“Paper applications are changing,” says Josie Burrell, industry solutions group manager for Yale. “Recycling is growing, and the demand for quality and specialist paper is also on the increase. By understanding the industry trends we are able to better cater for the materials handling requirements of our customers. Around 20% of paper costs are attributed to handling and shipping – this is a huge proportion; therefore it is imperative that our clients can trust the solutions we provide.”

Although recycled paper bales come as a standard shape – dimensions and weight can all vary. Bales are frequently left outdoors, where rainwater can add to the moisture content and impact on weight and rigidity, causing handling and operator problems. Exposure to the elements can also take its toll on the materials handling fleet, meaning reduced reliability and risk to just-in-time fulfilment.

Dust and pulp from recovered paper presents a challenge to the fleet. If it permeates into the inner workings of a truck it can cause overheating due to clogged cooling filters and therefore the temporary loss of an indispensable asset. Moreover, the risk of fire is amplified, as paper is highly combustible.

Andreas Nussbaum, facility manager at Yale customer Kimberly-Clark, has an in-depth knowledge of the working conditions in the paper environment: “It’s hot, it’s humid, there’s dust everywhere and production is a 24-hours-a-day operation. Our work environment places very high demands on the vehicles in our factory. At the same time, it is necessary to move large quantities: the paper machines have an almost insatiable appetite for waste paper and pulp.”

Yale has developed a number of truck adaptations specifically for the paper industry. Included amongst the performance enhancing features of the Yale Veracitor VX range is the automated flushing of debris from the engine compartment, which keeps the vehicle running for longer between clean-outs. Combi-cooler radiators cool both engine coolant and transmission oil, and a load weight display provides real-time feedback to the operator of the load weight being lifted.

Also featured is an underbody belly pan to prevent material entering the engine area and causing clogging and overheating, while drive-axel rubber guards minimise debris falling between the mast and the chassis. Protective elements include a radiator screen, powertrain protection, a sealed chassis, exhaust wraps, as well as tilt and steer cylinders being shielded by ballistic nylon covers.

For extreme operating applications Yale has developed the GDP50VX Counterbalance ‘Cool Truck’ package. Packed with features to overcome the difficult environments found in the paper supply chain, the Cool Truck features a hydraulic fan with a self-cleaning reversing function, a fully enclosed frame to minimise the volume of paper debris drawn into engine compartment, and high temperature hydraulic oil.

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