Find COVID-19 secure contractors

Posted on Friday 19 June 2020

Supply chain risk management expert CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) has added a statement of Best Practice (COVID-19) to its member packages.

This is designed to help you engage COVID-19 contractors. Organisations have had to rapidly adapt their working practices to operate safely during the coronavirus outbreak and CHAS’s Statement of Best Practice (COVID-19) helps to verify that these adjustments have been made in line with latest government and sector guidelines.

In order for a contractor to qualify as COVID-19 secure they must confirm, and where appropriate, evidence that they have taken three key actions which include:

  • Producing and putting in place COVID19 specific risk assessments, method statements and controls.
  • Sharing the risk assessment with staff (and online for organisations of over 50).
  • Displaying a notice to confirm they have complied with government guidance.

Construction related businesses must also indicate that they are following COVID-19 Secure Site Operating Procedures as detailed by the Construction Leadership Council.

For contractors to comply they simply need to login to the contractor portal and upload and submit evidence to show they meet the requirements. CHAS clients just log on to the CHAS Client Portal and they can instantly see whether a contractor has completed their Statement of Best Practice (COVID-19).

CHAS managing director, Ian McKinnon comments: “We recognise that organisations are looking for reassurance that everyone within their supply chain is operating to the required COVID-19 secure standards but we also know it’s extremely difficult for organisations to perform these checks independently – particularly while running on skeleton staff.

“The Statement of Best Practice (COVID-19) makes it easy for CHAS contractors to qualify for work while giving CHAS clients immediate visibility of a contractor’s COVID-19 secure status.”

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