Essential tool for pack & despatch

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020

CubiScan technology helps in delivery of high levels of service.

UBD is the wholly owned warehousing and distribution division of Pearson Australia Group (PAG), Australia’s largest book publisher. 

UBD’s automated and paperless operations pick, pack and dispatch some 42 million books.

UBD employs two CubiScan 100s and an additional four CubiScan 30 units. Located in the receiving area of the distribution centre, these units are exclusively used to dimension and weigh received books and related materials as part of the business’ internal handling processes. The CubiScan 30s are used to dimension and weigh a representative book or unit item while the 100s handle that same title’s carton or case pack.

Once the dimensions are ascertained the information is then fed via an automated interface directly to the WMS.

The company says: “Our selection of the CubiScan technology is wholly in keeping with our operational design philosophy to deliver high levels of service and efficiency through accuracy, cycle-time reduction and the elimination of resource and material waste.

“Once goods are received and after they are CubiScanned, they are then accurately allocated to an appropriately sized empty storage location or one which holds existing same items that can accommodate them. This greatly assists us in optimising storage space as well as eliminating wasted conveyor utilisation or driver and forklift effort. These same benefits apply elsewhere on our site whenever goods are moved between storage locations or staging areas as part of the numerous operational activities and cycles that occur each working day.”

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Western Business Media,
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