Electric forklifts expected to boom in China

Posted on Wednesday 29 July 2020

Baoli has pointed to international studies predicting a sales boom within the Chinese market from 2021 to 2026, accounting for 7% growth.

Attention to environmental sustainability has become the main theme of global logistics in recent years, contributing to a positive impact on cost containment and work quality improvement.

This positive scenario has induced many companies, including many Chinese ones, to implement electric trucks in their product portfolio.

According to an American research published on Business Wire their sale within the Chinese market will increase by 7% over the period between 2021 and 2026. Moreover, from the 609 thousand units produced in 2019, which unfortunately dropped to 573 thousand due to the health emergency, production will rise to no less than 743 thousand electric forklift trucks in 2026. 

Forklift trucks equipped with lithium-ion batteries saw sales increased by 185.5% on an annual basis of 75,000 units in China, from 9.31% of the total of electric trucks produced in China in 2018 to 25.03% in 2019. 

Francesco Pampuri, marketing manager at Baoli EMEA says: “Our company is focusing its work and investing more and more resources with the purpose of increasingly playing a leading role in this trend which sees the constant growth in the production and sale of electric trucks; this phenomenon was also accelerated by the ever wider demand on a global scale of trucks equipped with lithium batteries and by the higher costs caused by the new restrictive rules for the Chinese internal market regarding the polluting emissions from combustion machines.”

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