Graphene-enhanced face masks available

Posted on Monday 5 October 2020

KPS PPE Protects, a subsidiary of automotive parts supplier KPS Automotive, has added Versarien’s graphene-enhanced face masks to its offering.

THE PROTECTIVE FACE masks feature a coated layer of Polygrene, a graphene-based material with Nanene, the world’s only independently verified graphene product certified by The Graphene Council. The masks are comfortable to wear, easy to put on, and provide a simple way for safety managers to protect workers in a range of environments where maintaining social distance can be a challenge, says the firm.

The first product available is an FFP2/KN95 rated mask, and KPS says it is designed to help provide enhanced protection against airborne bacteria and minimise the spread of viral infections. The graphene coated layer is said to provide exemplary protection with excellent breathability and comfort. The mask is also reusable and washable.

The mask meets the strict BS EN 149:2001+A1:2009 standard for respiratory protective devices, with its antibacterial performance certified to GB/T 20944.2.2007 and its anti-viral performance to ISO 18184:2014 (E). The mask meets the guidelines as issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

KPS PPE Protects will continue to extend its distribution portfolio over the coming weeks.

KPS PPE Protects sales director Steve Blake says: “We want to provide the leading products in the market, and Versarien’s face mask is the best of breed. Using graphene is a game-changer when it comes to improving durability and safety, and we are very happy to be able to make this British technology and its protective properties available for our customers.” 

Global sales director / CTO Robert Cottingham adds: “These are unprecedented times, and we have worked incredibly hard to produce this outstanding and certified mask. I am delighted to announce KPS PPE Protects, subsidiary of KPS Automotive Parts, as a new distribution partner. We look forward to working closely with them to ensure their customers have access to British technology at its best, giving everyone peace of mind and freedom to travel and work safely.”

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