Royal Mail awards parcel sortation contract

Posted on Monday 26 October 2020

Bowe Systec has been chosen by Royal Mail to install four fully automated, leading-edge parcel sorting systems in their mail centres, as part of their transformation strategy as a parcels led business.

The four new parcel sorting machines are earmarked for deployment in Tyneside, Medway, Nottingham and Southampton plants.

Using the OptiSorter push-tray technology, they will handle the majority of items ranging from very small to large parcels, up to 31.5 kg in weight if required. The solution includes interfacing to Royal Mail’s systems, the latest control systems, software and scanning technology. These parcel sorters will extend Royal Mails automation capacity at up to 10,000 parcels an hour. These new sorters handle a wide range of mail and start to become fully operational in 2021.

Royal Mail national network & integration director Simon Barker said: “This year alone has seen parcel volumes rise by 34% in the first five months of the year. Continuing the automation of parcel sortation will enable us to meet this growing demand. We have already made significant strides towards this goal, having invested in the design and installation of 20 parcel sorting machines in 16 sites across the country.”

The Push-Tray sorter is said to have enormous band width and the ability to sort all current types and sizes of dispatch goods. Royal Mail sortation will be direct to containers rather than extended chutes.

For more information, visit

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