DHL boosts protection equipment at East Midlands DC

Posted on Wednesday 27 January 2021

THE MOVE sees DHL Supply Chain installing a range of safety and protection equipment at its new 538,280 sq. ft. campus in Manton Wood, near Worksop in Nottinghamshire.

This includes systems designed to provide safer routing and parking for more than 150 heavy goods vehicles using the site.

The safety and impact protection equipment has been provided by specialist Brandsafe. Working on the specification side with project architects UMC Architects and main contractors TSL, Brandsafe’s also providing consultancy and project design services alongside a comprehensive aftersales support package as the multi-storey development gears up to operational capacity in 2021. 

Armco safety barriers, featuring integrated safety ends, corners and post caps together with mezzanine, platform and side of ramp handrails, are among hundreds of items being installed by Brandsafe’s service team across a 60-acre site, which features staff car parks and connecting roads. 

Column protectors, flexi delineators, bollards, speed bumps and HGV parking bay wheel stops, secure cages, pedestrian access doors have also been specified as part of measures to provide the highest standards of site safety and impact protection for the workforce and site visitors.

The equipment is manufactured at the company’s Milton Keynes site.

Brandsafe UK strategic account manager Paul Roehricht said: “The distribution campus at Manton Wood is a great example of how our products can be used together to provide a comprehensive impact safety solution for warehouse and logistics operations of all shapes and sizes.

“It also vindicates our continued investment in building our capability and expertise to be able to deliver time critical, complex and high-profile contracts.”

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