Wincanton shoots for net zero by 2040

Posted on Wednesday 23 June 2021

The company has set out a new ESG strategy to deliver long term sustainable solutions across each of its business sectors.

The 3PL will aim for net zero emissions by 2040. Three ‘net zero roadmaps’ have been developed which set out how the Group will achieve its target to be net zero by 2040 across transport, property and waste. One priority is having net zero to home operations by April 2022. Customers including M&S, Loaf, The White Company and Snug, are already utilising Wincanton vehicle technology, electrification and carbon offsetting to create carbon-neutral final mile deliveries.

Wincanton is working on offering diesel alternative fuel options, such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil or biomethane fuel options, that will reduce transport emissions by an estimated 70-85%.

It also plans to aims to eliminate all single-use plastics, removing up to 300 tonnes of waste, by 2030. The Group also plans to double recycling rates and ensure all plastic packaging will contain a minimum 30% of recycled product by 2025.

The company is also working with its industry partners to eliminate red diesel use for refrigeration by 2030 and is launching a circular packaging programme.

Wincanton CEO James Wroath, said: “Today marks a significant step change in Wincanton’s commitment to deliver long-term sustainable supply chain solutions for our customers.”

For more information, visit

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