Trio of accolades

Posted on Thursday 8 July 2021

IN RECOGNITION of its proficiency in robotic automation sales and support, RARUK Automation has received three new accolades.

RARUK Automation is now a designated UR Gold Distributor, and has been recognised as one of the Top 10 Distributors for Universal Robots (UR) in the EMEA region in 2020. Its UR range comprises easily programmable and highly flexible, low-cost robot arms that can be tailored to meet the precise needs of diverse applications.

Robotiq Grippers are essential elements in the easy customisation of Universal Robots and here too RARUK Automation has been recognised as a Robotiq Expert Partner for 2021. It remains the only supplier in the UK to offer the complete range of Robotiq grippers and plug + play vision system.

The third achievement for RARUK Automation is MiR Excellent Partner for 2021, a title which the company has now held for three years in succession. The MiR autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), designed for in-house materials transport and logistics, have proved a successful addition to the RARUK Automation range.

RARUK has also appointed of a new Area Sales Engineer, specifically for its UR collaborative robots and UR+ plug and play accessories. Marcus Holmes, based in Preston, represents RARUK Automation in the North West. Marcus has worked in solution sales across many industries including aerospace, automotive, rail and medical.

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