Helping eComm ops scale up quick

Posted on Monday 11 October 2021

SEALED AIR has launched a new paper void fill system to help E-commerce companies meet the challenges of quickly scaling up and satisfying fast growing demand for orders.

The new Sealed Air brand FasFil Jr has been specifically designed to combine all the key performance features that enable companies to move efficiently and effectively from low to medium volume packaging outputs.

FasFil Jr has a small footprint and has been developed as a ‘plug and play’ system for quick set up and easy operation. It features fully integrated user-friendly controls, with the ability to create custom void fill material using 100% recycled fanfold paper, which is also responsibly sourced. Toolless jam clearing and anti-jam sensors help to enhance system reliability and uptime.

Eric Van Der Kallen, EMEA platform manager protective packaging solutions inflatables and paper at Sealed Air, says: “Rising E-commerce demand can quickly outpace packaging capabilities and create bottlenecks that delay the delivery of customer orders and negatively impact overall productivity. This can be particularly challenging for smaller businesses, which don’t always have the time and resource, space in their premises or capital to upgrade packaging systems.

“FasFil Jr overcomes these issues. It’s a cost-effective paper void fill system that’s small in size, but big on performance. It’s easy to position and fit in busy and tight workspaces, whilst its overall design and functionality have been engineered for ease of use and excellent uptime.”

The new system can be set up as floor standing or easily mounted on a table-top stand and is ideal for medium volume E-commerce and fulfilment businesses. FasFil Jr converts 380mm fanfold paper in 50gsm or 57gsm weights and has multiple operating modes including cut and hold, manual, and custom sized outputs.

Eric concludes: “The FasFil range of systems are well known among low and high-volume E-commerce businesses for their speed, reliability and ease of use. The addition of FasFil Jr means these performance benefits can now be extended to medium volume outputs as well.”

For more information, visit

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