Best of breed WMS

Posted on Friday 24 November 2023

Q&A with Darren Baxter, CEO, Indigo Software.

Tell us about your recent innovations?

Indigo Software is well known for our flagship, best of breed Warehouse  Management System solution, Indigo WMS. Most recently, we launched Indigo QuickStart in recognition of changes in the marketplace, with many companies now wanting a very rapid to implement, quick return on investment solution to automate their warehouse. That’s exactly what Indigo QuickStart offers, with the added benefit of a clear upgrade path if the more advanced warehouse management capabilities of Indigo WMS are needed in the future.

What challenges do your customers face and how are you helping them respond?

Many of Indigo Software’s customers are first generation users of a WMS, they are switching across from running their warehouses with excel spreadsheets and paper pick lists. When these businesses reach a certain size or order volume, they start to appreciate that it’s not possible to achieve their strategic vision without some automation in the warehouse. The introduction of Indigo WMS completely transforms their operations, giving them full visibility from the moment raw materials arrive to the point that finished goods leave the facility for the end customer. It’s a complete warehouse efficiency transformation.

What industry sectors do you target?

Indigo Software has customers across all industry sectors but we find that some of our deepest skills lie in working with manufacturers. Unlike retailers and logistics providers, manufacturers are required to manage their raw materials and finished goods warehouses. They need to pick inventory to support just in time production requirements, they may have very specific traceability and quality control requirements and they also need their warehouse to ship to end customers efficiently, potentially drop shipping on behalf of an e-commerce partner. It’s a highly complex environment and one that needs automating with a WMS.


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