Exotec launches Next Generation of Skypod

Posted on Tuesday 18 February 2025

The firm has officially unveiled its new system which handles both each and case picking.

THE GLOBAL warehouse robotics provider, has launched the The Next Generation of Skypod system, offering higher performance, improved storage density, and advanced software features. 

Over the past two years, Exotec has sold and deployed the Next Generation Skypod system globally in stealth mode. The company has successfully secured over 20 projects worldwide, totalling $400M, to customers including Oxford Industries (Tommy Bahama, Lilly Pulitzer, Southern Tide, etc.) and E.Leclerc, to transform and strengthen its supply chain operations. Exotec developed the Next Generation of Skypod in response to evolving market needs and feedback from the existing customer base, which increasingly demands warehouse robotics to address a wider range of processes within the warehouse walls.

The Next Generation of Skypod comes with a number of design improvements, including a new and more compact Skypod robot, a workstation for robot-to-robot picking, a high-throughput exchanger, and denser storage. These redesigns, combined with new software features, improve the throughput at a single workstation by 50%, while enhancing storage density by up to 30% compared to the previous generation.  

The key differentiator for the Next Generation of Skypod is the ability to handle both each and case picking, positioning Exotec to better address multichannel needs with a single solution. The system also natively supports a number of value-added logistics features that traditionally require external equipment and complex subsystems. This not only enables customers to simplify the flow of goods through the warehouse, but also significantly shrinks the system footprint by cutting down the need for conveyors, sorters, external storage, and packing stations. 

Next-Gen Skypod has an integrated buffer that handles buffering within the system. Following order preparation at the workstation, completed or semi-completed orders get automatically stored inside the racks until they are ready for outbound, or further consolidation. This helps reduce the need for staging areas or any other external buffer systems. 

The product’s perfect sequencing handles strict outbound sequencing before ejecting orders by using robots and the exchanger. The robots group orders and deliver them in a specific arrangement to the exchanger, which then routes the orders to outbound. This enables precise loading of pallets, containers, or trucks based on delivery routes, store planograms, or other unloading requirements, all without the need for external sorting equipment. 

The Next-Gen Skypod handles packing as an integrated part of the picking process. Operators pick directly into fulfilment containers, removing the need for manual packing operations downstream. This functionality pairs extremely well with right-size packaging solutions. These solutions can be integrated with Next-Gen Skypod to enable picking into right-size containers, significantly cutting last-mile costs.

When designing the Next Generation Skypod, Exotec’s goal was to create a solution that would set the industry standard of operational excellence and elegance for the next decade and beyond. Exotec are already seeing customers reimagine their entire supply chain around the transformative capabilities of this innovation, from combining case and each picking operations, to leveraging outbound sequencing to improve transportation costs. 

Exotec is the go-to warehouse robotics company, specifically for its storage density and its operational flexibility.  With Exotec’s goods-to-person system, warehouse workers save thousands of steps per day by cutting out the need to pick items for fulfilment manually, offering a fivefold increase in picking productivity.

For more information, visit www.exotec.com

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