Introducing The Archies 2022
UKMHA transforms Awards for Excellence and marks a new era for material handling industry.

THE UK Material Handling Association (UKMHA) has announced the date for its new Awards for Excellence scheduled to be held this year.
On Saturday 15th October 2022, representatives from across the industry will gather at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole to pay glittering tribute to the companies, teams and individuals who have done so much to innovate, raise standards and help operators work more effectively and safely.
“The Awards for Excellence has been a staple in the material handling calendar for over 30 years, but with UKMHA acting as the new leading voice for the industry, we felt now was the perfect time to put a new stamp on the event and bring it up to date,” explains UKMHA chief executive Tim Waples.
“Every year, entrants seek to win the ultimate accolade: a hand-cast Archie statuette, which we modelled on Archimedes — the father of engineering.
“The award has become the symbol of distinction within the material handling sector, so to honour this most coveted prize, the event will henceforth be known as The Archies.”
The Archies 2022 will be the inaugural awards event for UKMHA, but the name is not the only thing that has changed.
“We have revamped the format and will be introducing some brand-new award categories,” explains Tim. “The Archies will represent the entire spectrum of material handling, celebrating the ingenious products and invaluable people that make our industry what it is today.”
The Archies will of course maintain the fun and showmanship audiences know and love. A celebrity compere will host the evening, which will also include a three-course dinner, entertainment and dancing well into the night.
“Recent events meant we understandably had to change our Awards proceedings, but in 2022 we’re hoping to go back bigger and better than ever,” adds Tim.
“Events like these are only ever made possible thanks to the generous input of our sponsors. We currently have a number of sponsorship opportunities available, and we are encouraging businesses to get involved in what will undoubtedly be the most exciting night of the year.
“With hundreds in attendance, sponsoring an award at The Archies is a great way to raise your profile in front of some of the biggest names in the business.”
Categories for The Archies will be open for entry in spring 2022. Entry is free, with nominee shortlists selected by a jury of industry experts. More information on how to enter will be released in due course.
For more details about sponsorship opportunities at The Archies 2022, please email [email protected]