OPEX to rock Sure Sort X at LogiMAT

Posted on Monday 18 March 2024

THE FIRM has launched its newest automated sorting and order retrieval solutions―OPEX Sure Sort X with OPEX Xtract. 

The universal system can handle nearly 100% of customer-sortable items weighing up to 9kg, and sort items into a configurable array of mixed bin sizes and types. When Sure Sort X is paired with Xtract―OPEX’s new automated order retrieval system―the task of retrieving totes and transferring their contents into shipping containers is now fully automated. The result is a one-touch solution that can eliminate the need to manually sort and transfer boxes downstream.

Sure Sort technology was introduced in 2017. With its enhanced product handling capabilities, Sure Sort X can handle items 60% smaller, nearly 20% larger, and up to 300% heavier than its predecessor, all while maintaining a consistent throughput of up to 2,100 items per hour. Stand 7D53

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