GreyOrange adds assisted picking solution

Posted on Thursday 13 January 2022

RANGER ASSIST has been launched to offer person to goods (P2G) capability, as a for smaller spaces, quick ramp up and fast-moving inventory segments.

GreyOrange has adjusted its GreyMatter AI software so it also supports assisted picking in order fulfillment, supported through the new Ranger Assist robot. GreyMatter and Ranger Assist dynamically orchestrate how order fulfillment workers and robots work together. Enhanced by artificial intelligence, the assisted picking robot enables collaborative picking for faster, more accurate fulfillment, particularly for fast-moving items in e-commerce orders, says the firm.

GeryOrange claims Ranger Assist has the fastest speed of any assisted picking robot available on the market today, and is highly configurable for many warehouse applications, including storage, multi-operator support and multi-floor operations. Ranger Assist can also augment an existing fleet of robots or integrate into manual picking operations during peak demand periods.

Ranger Assist is part of GreyOrange’s Certified Ranger Network (CRN), a curated collection of fulfillment robots and other execution agents.

For more information, visit

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