Ergonomic knee protection

Posted on Monday 1 July 2024

COMBINING TRADEMARKED Kneeguard pads with the Kneeguard PRO positioning system in Snickers Workwear trousers is one of the most ergonomic solutions for effective knee protection.

Snickers Workwear has a range of eight Kneepads to fit different types of trousers to suit different jobs, such as the slim-fit kneepads for street-smart slim-fit trousers, or the D30 Ergo kneepads that mould around your knee to provide enhanced impact protection. They’re great for men and women who spend a lot of time working on and off their knees and who want to ensure maximum long-term comfort and wellbeing.

Snickers Workwear trousers come in five different leg lengths as standard.

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