Rapid and right-size packaging

Posted on Thursday 15 August 2024

Tackling a key bottleneck can help smooth the curve for better performance over Peak period, says Jo Bradley.

ECOMMERCE FULFILMENT is prone to frequent and often dramatic spikes in demand, and this causes retailers significant challenges in the packing area.

Constructing boxes, packing, weighing, sealing and labelling manually is a slow process, and few shippers have either the space or the available labour to create additional packing stations for what may be only a few days’ work.

The case for greater use of automation in the packing area is compelling. However, simple size-constrained machines using only one-size of box does not cater for the wide variety of products and order sizes experienced by most online retailers. The results are often very wasteful. It is understood that 60% of eCommerce deliveries are by volume at least a quarter composed of void-fill or just fresh air.

What can be done?

High-speed fit-to-size ‘auto-boxing’ systems are capable of tailor-making over 1,100 eCommerce packages per hour.

The system scans and measures the item or group of items to be packed and calculates the ‘best fit’ box shape and size. Material for the box and lid is cut and creased to size, erected around the item(s) and the lid glue-sealed – which is faster and more recyclable than using tape. Parcels are weighed, labelled and away.

With packing rates in excess of 1,100 per hour the latest Sparck CVP Everest machine can potentially replace up to 20 manual packing stations. And for businesses with mid-market volumes a similar machine, the CVP Impack, produces up to 500 boxes per hour and offers just about all the benefits of the CVP Everest. 

Even operating ‘off-peak’ at well below capacity, labour can be redeployed to other tasks, such as picking. At Peak, the systems ramp up throughput without any corresponding increase in labour, and minimise the burden on despatch and delivery operations.

Jo Bradley, business development manager, Sparck Technologies

For more information, visit https://sparcktechnologies.com

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