Hyster adds battery options

Posted on Friday 18 February 2022

THE FORKLIFT manufacturer is giving customers more ways to select the best battery technology for their application with Sunlight Group lithium-ion batteries now an option for selected Hyster forklifts and warehouse trucks.

The Sunlight Li-ion Force batteries, which will be available for selected 24V, 48V, and 80V lift trucks and warehouse equipment, are fully linked to the truck via the CANbus communication system to optimise battery management. In addition, Sunlight Li-ion Force batteries themselves are fitted with the GLocal Cloud Management System, which offers remote access and insight from anywhere in the world.

Sunlight Group Batteries are said to be well suited to intensive and multi-shift operations, as well as those where hygiene is a priority, such as food, beverage, and pharmaceutical production. Sunlight Li-ion Force  batteries are free of gaseous emissions and there is a no risk of acid spillage, making them a ‘clean’ power option. 

Hyster Europe director of commercial aftermarket EMEA, Paul Wells says: “In the right application, switching to lithium-ion batteries can help maximise uptime and efficiency. A single lithium-ion battery can replace multiple lead-acid batteries, freeing up charging space, while also enabling opportunity charging during breaks to maximise handling time and reduce overall costs.”

Depending on the application, a single use lithium-ion battery can enable the truck to be used over two or three shifts, and convenient, short opportunity charging periods do not affect the battery life. 

In addition, lithium-ion batteries are capable of faster charging than traditional lead-acid batteries, and as no battery exchange is required with integrated lithium-ion power, this may support higher uptime. The new Sunlight Li-ion Force batteries available for Hyster equipment are designed with active balancing so that all cells are equally charged at all times and they include a fast charge feature. A choice of rapid charger options is available.

To support charging management strategies and help prevent unplanned downtime, the Sunlight Li-ion Force batteries have a discharge indicator which displays the state of charge. Sunlight Group’s Glocal cloud-based telematics also provides real-time monitoring of battery data via WiFi/GSM, as well as insight into the battery’s parameters that allows remote serviceability.

As the batteries integrate with the Hyster lift truck’s CANbus communication system, it is possible to optimise battery performance and life and provide error reporting. 

“As the Sunlight Li-ion Force batteries also feature a maintenance-free design, with no watering required, applications may find this helps reduce overall maintenance costs,” says Paul. “Only an annual check is required, and the modular design makes service interventions highly efficient.”

For more information, visit www.hyster.com

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