Respond fast to warehouse space scarcity

Posted on Thursday 17 March 2022

WITH A lack of available warehousing space a key trend in 2022, an Aganto temporary building is your ideal solution.

Until recently, the fastest way to obtain industrial floor space was by leasing off-site buildings. However, due to the lack of warehousing space available in 2022, a temporary building is the perfect solution. A bespoke permanent building would normally take months of time, design, planning and building, but a temporary building can be erected at fast speed, low cost and be as flexible as you require. 

Aluminium framed industrial buildings provide a solution that can be transported, delivered to site, and installed in under a week. With hire contracts available, these industrial buildings can be kept for as long as needed and returned in the same fast and non-disruptive way or be purchased for a longer-term solution. 

The commercial benefits of such speed and flexibility, combined with the huge up-front cost savings compared to a permanent build, makes an Aganto temporary structure a serious contender for your overall business strategy.

So why aren’t more people using aluminium framed industrial buildings? Two reasons, awareness is still relatively low and secondly, some people who are new to these buildings have a question mark over quality. By speaking to our team, you will find that these remarkable structures have an indefinite lifespan and meet all the required standards for structural safety.

All of which not only makes a temporary building the fastest and most cost-effective way to expand operational space, but potentially the only sensible choice in the uncertain economic climate.

For more information, contact our team on 01635 202 979 or visit

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Western Business Media,
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