Nail shortage a wooden pallet concern

Posted on Saturday 30 April 2022

THERE IS a growing concern in Europe that wooden pallets could soon run out of one of their vital components – nails, says

As a result of the trade sanctions against Russia, the German pallet industry is warning of a shortage of Russian steel for nail manufacturing, creating concern that wooden pallet production could come to a standstill in a matter of weeks.

A shortage of nails is the latest problem facing the wooden packaging industry. It adds to the ongoing timber shortage and more recent rumoured price hikes of as much as 35%. managing director Jim Hardisty, says: “This is a 'stand-up and take notice' moment for organisations in the UK who use wooden pallets. The continued pressure on the availability of timber and now reports of a shortage of Russian steel could soon filter across to the UK and cause real issues in the supply chain.”

Jim continued: “Of course, businesses can bypass the potential problems on the horizon with wooden pallets by switching to plastic pallets.”

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