AJAX Safe Access
C/o Canal Engineering Ltd
Lenton Lane
Lenton Lane Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
0115 986 6321
[email protected]
About us
AJAX Safe Access is a division of Canal Engineering Ltd.
AJAX has over 45 years of experience in high level safe access systems. The range of AJAX safe access systems have a well proven track record for being both reliable and easy to operate; the most important factors in any safety equipment.
The range of equipment AJAX has developed for tanker access and high level loading help eliminate the hazard of falls from height; the most common cause of injury in the workplace.
The Righthite Step Units are a world leader with units regularly being supplied to countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.
In addition to AJAX, Canal Engineering Ltd have a division that specialises in industrial hygienic stainless steel products and a division that specialises in high end architectural products. Canal Engineering has a close working relationship in the food & drink industry manufacturing and installing a range of high quality, long term durable, specialist drainage, wall kerbing and associated products for over 25 years. For more information visit the Canal Engineering website via the AJAX Safe Access website link provided.
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