Increased productivity and cost savings for DB Schenker

Posted on Monday 11 July 2022

LEADING GLOBAL logistics provider opts for an order picking solution from Conveyor Systems Limited.

DB Schenker recently commissioned Conveyor Systems Limited to design and install an automated order picking and replenishment system. The system was installed at DB Schenker’s Tamworth based warehouse to increase order picking efficiency.

The space efficient and labour-saving solution CSL designed and installed for DB Schenker effectively eliminates the need for order pickers to carry totes from one warehouse floor to another, minimising the risk of accidents and injuries.

The system carries 15 pick totes per minute on two identical reversible Interroll 24v zero pressure accumulating powered roller conveyors and two 6.5m high reversible spiral elevators. This solution transports the merchandise filled totes from the ground floor to the first floor of the warehouse.

DB Schenker operations excellence manager, Nick Morris, says: “The automated order picking and replenishment system from CSL has increased productivity by 5% for a team of eight pickers. Overall, a total of 832 working hours have been saved so far as a result.”

The team at DB Schenker pursued its usual rigorous procurement process for the project. CSL was chosen to supply the automated warehouse order picking system based on strict selection criteria. The tender Conveyor Systems supplied was supported by insightful case studies of similar successful installations which demonstrated CSL’s relevant experience.

Preferred supplier

According to Conveyor Systems’ sales director, Jim Farquhar, CSL was the preferred supplier for the project primarily because of its experience in the supply and installation of related material handling systems.

Other important factors that played a significant role in DB Schenker’s choice of supplier were the close attention CSL’s design team paid to DB Schenker’s brief in the tendering process, the superior quality of CSL’s technology and its competitive pricing.

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