Forth Ports see the light
LED lighting provided by Dialight has eliminated a maintenance problem in a bulk store operated by Forth Ports at its Leith facility.
Even in daylight in Shed 3, a bulk store at Forth Ports’ Leith facility, the 400W SON high bays were struggling to provide adequate illumination.
The heat they generated was burning cargo dust onto the polycarbonate lenses and greatly impairing their performance, but lamp replacement was a great challenge as it could only be carried out when the shed became empty.
The change to Dialight DuroSite Series 172W LED high bays resulted in over 75% energy saving with equivalent reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally the burden of maintenance has effectively been eliminated, as each LED high bay carries Dialight’s 5-year performance warranty. Further to that, their instant-on ability removes the re-strike delays, allowing them to be switched off when not required, rather than left on ‘just in case’. The most obvious impact, however, is in the light quality. The vast improvement in colour rendition makes it much easier to monitor product quality in the store.
Specialist bulk store
Previously, the maintenance issues could mean a wait of a few days or even a year to be carried out. When there is product stored, the areas above cannot be accessed for maintenance, so the replacement had to be with fittings that require limited maintenance and have longevity of life. Also, the SONs were drawing around 440W each.
In such an environment as a bulk food store, where spontaneous ignition is possible, it was essential to select a food product safe luminaire that would avoid dust build up and comply with food regulations. To meet this need and the other multiple challenges, the thirteen 400W SON high bays were replaced by eight of Dialight’s energy-efficient DuroSite Series 172W LED high bays.
“As one of the UK’s largest ports groups, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously. We are delighted with the reduction of energy consumption achieved with the added benefit of elimination of maintenance and the associated disruption. Together these help us to operate more efficiently and deliver operational benefits while we are also minimising our impact on the environment. We are now actively examining other areas of the business which could benefit from this technology,” says Dr Derek McGlashan, Environment and Energy Manager, Forth Ports.