Our Technology – Your Advantage
WITRON is an international leader in the field of systems integration for turnkey warehouse automation. More specifically, the company is focused on designing and realizing highly dynamic order picking and material flow solutions that provide competitive advantages to its clients.
As a systems integrator, the company’s portfolio includes the design, integration, ramp-up and the full life-cycle services for automated storage, picking, and material flow systems. WITRON solutions can be found in a wide variety of industries from automotive and electronics, chemical and pharmaceutical companies to many manufacturing industries and retail distribution. To undertake and manage the complexities of sophisticated automation projects WITRON is staffed with highly competent, multidiscipline specialists.
WITRON takes functional responsibility throughout all project phases, from concept design through implementation. This end-toend approach allows the company to deliver its projects on-time and on-budget. In addition, the systems integrator provides the support and service required to maintain its systems long after implementation is complete. Clients benefit from WITRON’s service approach leading to a tailor made package that covers exactly the needs of each customer.
The company’s leading edge invention in the field of case picking systems represents the most significant development in WITRON’s 42 year history. The company recently sold the 425th Case Order Machine, known as COM. This specialized machine enables cases with a wide range of sizes, shapes, and packaging types to be automatically picked onto mixed order pallets. The COM is unique in that traditional gripping or vacuum techniques are not required, thus enabling more cases to be handled automatically. WITRON’s experience has shown that more than 90% of a typical assortment of dry grocery SKUs can be picked using the COM. Such technology offers retailers delivering day by day hundreds of outlets with benefits such as cost-efficiency, pick accuracy, store-friendly pallets, technical availability and flexibility in changing assortments. This “COM success story ” is especially noteworthy considering that this proprietary automation technology has been on the market for only four years.
The success of the first DC that implemented this technology nine years ago has led to orders for more than 26 automated case picking DCs across North America and Europe. More than 2 billion cases representing 45 million order pallets have been picked in all temperature zones with COM technology to date.
The COM technology is just one of various examples where WITRON’s fast paced innovation through to delivery of its costeffective system solutions to the client, providing competitive advantages. WITRON’s logistics solutions can typically be categorized as systems for efficient case picking such as COM on the one hand and piece-picking solutions on the other hand. One of its best known piece-picking solutions is the Dynamic Picking System (DPS) that integrates storage and picking areas in one system module. The DPS key success factor lies in the fact that SKU’s are only presented in the pickfront when they are actually needed to fullfil the orders. Thus the pickfront is greatly reduced leading to a significant reduction of the pick path and subsequent higher picking performances.
Installed DPS references demonstrated that warehouse footprints, as well as labour costs, can be reduced by 40% or more. Additional advantages like store friendly picking, increase of pick accuracy and damage reduction come along with WITRON DPS solutions.
To find out more about WITRON’s cost effective systems solutions go to www.witron.com