Mezzanine design tool

MultiSuite Software has developed a solution to assist in installing mezzanine floors, consisting of a design, costing, modelling, and detailing system.

This is designed to help companies to produce cost-effective designs and full manufacturing information in a fraction of the time it currently takes using conventional methods, which rely on designing individual components rather than analysing the floor as a complete structure, says the company.

Product manager Peter Bass says: “If design parameters change, such as the loading or floor height, everything is updated. The designer can get a complete redesign, new structural calculations, material quantities and a new quotation in seconds.”

The software also gives immediate feedback as the designer adjusts his column grid and displays foundation loads graphically whilst highlighting problem areas. It also indicates whether special foundations are required which is common on multi-tier floors.

The software is designed for all types of mezzanine from small work platforms to larger single or multi-tier structures, and irregular floor shapes can be accommodated by a point and click system to add or remove bays.

It also incorporates design features the mezzanine industry requires, such as inset and oversail design configurations for floor joists, and special provisions for the type of decking used.

The software operates to a range of design codes including British Standards and the new Eurocode EC3, which can offer UK designers real economies over the BS standard on most floors, says MultiSuite.  As the British steel code BS5950 has now been withdrawn by the BSI, it will be increasingly important for companies to move to EC3 in the near future to comply with Building Regulations, it says.

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