e-Customs solution boosts profitability

Posted on Friday 19 August 2022

DESCARTES SYSTEMS Group, the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, has helped Farsound Aviation, a prominent service provider for the world’s aerospace industry, to improve its profitability by automating compliance with UK/EU customs regulations with the Descartes e-Customs filing solution.

Photo by Naufal Giffari on Unsplash

The use of Descartes e-Customs resulted in annual cost savings of thousands of pounds.

Farsound Aviation operations director Ian Burley, says: “Before using Descartes e-Customs, our business was shedding a large amount of costs associated with import duties due to inefficient filing practices. Our investment in Descartes’ solution was easily justified based on the duty savings alone and we have enhanced our overall compliance by automating inbound and outbound declaration processes from within one advanced solution.”

Farsound Aviation provides parts distribution, logistics and supply chain management services to customers in the aerospace repair industry, all over the world. Farsound imports the majority of its materials from the U.S., Europe and the Far East, which are then distributed to the company’s global customer base. The import and export customs and excise filing process was a significant burden for the Farsound Aviation team before the deployment of Descartes e-Customs helped them to gain control of the customs filing process and minimise their spend. 

Descartes e-Customs is a secure, web-based solution that can help filers submit the data to HMRC and other government agencies from within a concise, easy-to-use interface. From template-driven declarations, client-specific data and the ability to duplicate previous declarations, Descartes e-Customs can adapt to the multiple ways that companies operate. 

“We’re pleased to help Farsound Aviation improve control of its customs processes,” adds Descartes VP sales and business manager UK Pol Sweeney. “The integration with Descartes e-Customs has allowed Farsound Aviation to manage inbound and outbound declarations with one easy-to-use application, which has led to significant cost savings.”

For more information, visit www.descartes.com

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