Roof suspended load restraint system released

With over 4,000 prosecutions last year for unsafe loads and over 300 VOSA inspectors out in the field enforcing the VOSA matrix, load security is one of the hottest topics in the industry right now.

Cartwright’s new roof suspended load restraint system is in operation with a number of its major customers.

It is based upon a suspended rave to rave strapping system where straps or nets are suspended on bungees in the roof of the trailer.

The quantity and rating of the nets or straps and their design can be infinitely varied to suit the specific application and type of load.

When utilised the straps or nets can be brought down in any position to accommodate varying height loads within the length of the trailer. The system effectively over nets/straps the product restraining it to the bed of the trailer, preventing lateral or transverse load movement.

This new load restraint system is another example of how Cartwright is helping its customers meet the challenges of ensuring they comply with the latest European standards on load restraint and constraint and work to the best practices laid down by the HSE and DfT.

Cartwright has also moved quickly to increase the range and quantity of EN 12642-XL rated equipment within the Cartwright Rentals fleet.

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