BITA makes two key board appointments

The British Industrial Truck Association has announced two new appointments. Steve Stewart, Managing Director of Crown Lift Trucks, is joining BITA’s Management Board, while Victoria Hutson, Principal Standards and Legislation Engineer with JCB, is the new Chairperson of the Technical Policy Committee.

The TPC ensures that the voice of BITA members is heard when new standards and regulations are being formulated, and by speaking for the entire industry they can focus directly on key issues and influence their development. This also enables BITA to operate an ‘early warning system’ to help members prepare for future legislation, advising them how to react.

Steve Stewart takes on a general governance role with the Management Board, until he is allocated specific responsibilities later in the year. Commenting on his appointment, Steve Stewart said: “I am very pleased to be asked to join the Management Board. BITA plays an important role as the voice of the industry, representing the interests of its members at UK and European level.

“I am looking forward to meeting the senior industry figures that make up the Board and working with them to further the interests of forklift truck manufacturers, suppliers and service providers across the UK.”

Steve has worked in the materials handling industry since 1983 and has been with Crown Lift Trucks for 20 years, working with them in Australia and the UK, and is a former President of the Australian Industrial Truck Association.

Victoria Hutson is an engineer with over 15 years’ experience and has been with JCB for three years. During her time as a design engineer she developed an interest in safety and regulation, and sees the TPC as playing a vital role for BITA members.

“I am very excited to be appointed as Chair of the TPC. I see our role as ‘future proofers’ for the industry – ensuring that BITA members have a voice in discussion around future standards and regulation, but also that they are prepared for the changes that such regulation may bring.

“Many BITA members are Small and Medium Enterprises and as such the demands are relatively heavy, in terms of both time and resources. If our committee can provide support by ‘future proofing’ in relation to such changes, enabling us to plan ahead and stagger any potential costs involved, then we will be fulfilling our role.”

BITA Secretary-General James Clark said: “We are extremely pleased to welcome Steve and Victoria to their respective roles. They are strong additions to our Management Board and Technical Policy Committee and will play key roles in providing even more comprehensive support and representation for our members.”

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