New FlexiEdge fast-action industrial doors – just £90 a month

Stertil Stokvis has introduced a special offer alongside the launch of its FlexiEdge range of fast-action industrial doors. Offering exceptional safety plus unrivalled resistance to wind, weather and impact damage, the new doors are available from just £90 a month.

The new FlexiEdge range comprises 16 models of many different types and styles including internal and external doors, all-weather doors, cleanroom and freezer/coldroom doors plus emergency exit doors incorporating breakthrough curtains. Standard models are available in widths up to 11 metres and heights of 5.5 metres whilst bespoke and special sizes may be specified. 

FlexiEdge doors have been designed to set new standards of safety. The door curtain is fully flexible with a soft bottom edge which not only self-adjusts to seal on an uneven floor but also avoids any possibility of causing injury to users. In addition, the incorporation of an infra-red photocell, fitted 300mm above floor level, supported by a bottom edge wireless detector ensures instant halting of all door movement in the event of sensing an obstruction of any kind. Also, the flexible soft-edge curtain provides maximum resistance to damage caused by a vehicle collision. If the door edges are knocked out by the collision, they are automatically re-inserted in the side guides as the door opens. 

A wide range of activation systems allow maximum versatility of FlexiEdge doors in many different applications. Alternatives to the standard push button pads include wired and wireless pull cords, key switches, induction loops, photocells, radar, radio or infra-red transmitters, presence detectors and touchless hand-wave detectors. Depending on the particular requirements of individual applications, the most appropriate activation method may be specified to ensure that the doors may be used intensively, minimising ‘open time’ and meeting the needs of the busiest high traffic areas.

Andrew Georgiou, general manager of Stertil Stokvis, is extremely confident about the impact that the new doors will make in the UK. He says, “Our FlexiEdge range has been developed to raise the bar across every discipline. Performance, safety, reliability, cost effectiveness, user-friendliness and environmentally – it ticks all the boxes. We’ve not overlooked affordability either. Our launch offer leasing deals mean that users can benefit from all the advantages of a FlexiEdge door from just £90 a month!”

For details of the launch offer, call the FlexiEdge Hotline on 0870 770 0471.

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