Semi-Automatic strappers
End-of-line specialist in pack and pallet securement, Gordian Strapping, is re-launching its range of semi-automatic strapping machines with three models: the i-10, the JK-2 and the D-53X2.
All machines have fixed parcel stops and a special soft tension mode for delicate packs. Also, the seal time can be extended to seal heavier grade strap or springy packs.
The i-10 runs strap from 5-15mm. It has direct drive feed and tension motors and is designed for medium usage.
The JK-2 runs strap from 5-12mm and is ready to operate in 45 seconds. Box section steel legs and a solid, 75kg body make it ideal for heavier packs.
The D-53X2 runs strap from 5-15mm. It has direct drive feed and tension motors and is designed for frequent usage.