Seegrid and Linde team up on new automated tow tractor
Seegrid will launch the GT45 tow tractor and Guided by Seegrid P50 C Linde model tow tractor in Europe at LogiMAT.
Seegrid and Guided by Seegrid vehicles navigate using proprietary and patented technology, a software-intensive visual solution, converting standard manned pallet trucks, forklifts and tow tractors into unmanned, vision-guided flexible AGVs that navigate without lasers, wire guides, or magnetic tape.
Using this visual solution, Seegrid engineered the GT45 tow tractor and the Guided by Seegrid P50 C tow tractor, allowing vehicles to see its environment, map it in a virtual grid, and guide the vehicles. The technology, components and equipment allow the unmanned AGVs to navigate freely and autonomously through different environments without reliance on external infrastructure, and with no modifications required in the facility.