Integrating safety sensors into machine circuits

Posted on Thursday 15 September 2022

Leuze Electronic safety relays provide safe solutions for all applications in machines and systems. The comprehensive safety relay portfolio always offers the right connection between safety device and machine. 

THE COMPACT and reliable safety relays offer the right solution for the quick and easy integration of individual safety sensors into the safety circuit of machines and systems solutions. Applications range from monitoring simple components such as e-stop or safety switches to integrating optoelectronic sensors and implementing time-delayed applications. All relays are available with quick disconnect, screw, or spring-loaded terminals enabling easy installation and replacement.

This means flexibility for the user during installation and enables quick replacement in case of service.

The portfolio includes evaluation units tailored to different sensor types and technologies and evaluation units for universal use. Variants with time delays of up to 3 seconds and up to 30 seconds are used for applications with a stop category 1.

The contact expansion relays are suitable both as simple output expansions for OSSDs and for contact multiplication for evaluation units or safety controllers.

Selecting the right device for your application is simplified by using the easy-to-use “the right safety relay at a glance” document available on the Leuze website –

For more information, visit

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